Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Garden Walks

The first house of the Garden Walk tour. 
It was pleasant to participate in the annual Garden Walk of Great Falls, Montana. Each year, participating members of the community open up their homes and share their gardens with the community. Participants get a road map of where these homes are and drive around the town to discover them. This was during my July 2012 summer trip to Montana. It was a great opportunity to get to know the town better and it's people. There were five or so participating gardens, and while most were landscape-design oriented, my favorite were the vegetable gardens. Events like these make small towns like Great Falls gems to appreciate.

Interesting garden art reflected each gardener.

This was a precious little house with an abundant backyard garden!
I was elated to discover this community garden at the end.

The people teaching about the garden were kind. 

There was something magical about his space. 
Sunflowers in full bloom. 
I met a most young, yet astute gardener. 
Corn, one of the 3 sisters. 
Members pay a seasonal fee for a garden bed. 
I believe community gardens to be so valuable to a neighborhood. It offers a place of solace and companionship where people can come together to grow food, beautify a town and take pride in community projects. This garden is located on a corner by a dilapidated apartment complex. It's sheer existence adds color and life to what appears to be a desolate place. I hope to grow food here and be a part of this garden one day.

*Photos By Tiffanie Ma

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