While we are usually not big on the Easter celebration, Uncle Kevin gifted Roua a beautiful vintage dress that screamed, “Wear me on Easter!!”…so we were obliged to, and had so much fun. Uncle Kevin had given it to us over Christmas, worried it might not fit Roua when Easter came around, so I hope this post makes him happy because it fit her perfectly!
Actually, we did this yesterday, before Easter. We had fun, Oma, Roua and I, mostly Oma and I, I think, playing dress up and taking pictures. Only one egg was cracked, but Oma caught it in time and I ate it for lunch.
This morning I opened my bedroom shutters to a chorus of birds as the garden greeted me with her fresh scent of morning dew. It was surreal, a dreamscape. The bees are busy, the birds are singing, the buds and blooms of the trees all around us are bursting with white and pink flowers brightening the pale winter landscape. It's been warm and beautiful this last week, but we are not totally in the clear yet. Frost is still possible, so we will take care to wrap our flowers when the time comes next week as the forecast predicts.
The surge of new energy and life all around has me feeling so profoundly grateful. There is new life everywhere we look. Spring is here. Mother Earth awakens from her winter slumber. Within every egg comes the possibility of life, as within every seed. When I look around and see the carpet of the earth in bloom with different types of tiny flowers of all the colors of the rainbow, and in the most intricate shapes and patterns, I can't help but smile at the sheer miracle and beauty of our world. I suppose even though we don't celebrate Easter, I like the idea surrounding it of celebrating spring time and new life. It's hopeful and bright. These days especially, we must cherish each of our hopeful and bright days. May your day be bright and beautiful!
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