Thursday, October 20, 2016

Beaute Sauvage, my new Etsy Shop!!!

Dear Readers, Friends, and Wanderers of the Web,

I'm happy to announce the Grand Opening of Beaute Sauvage, my new Etsy Shop! Like my blog, it's another platform for my creative work. In French, Beauté Sauvage means wild beauty. It encompasses the wild adventures and discoveries of my time in southern France. There I learned how to use essential oils, magical gifts from plants; and beeswax, magical gifts from bees, to take care of myself and the community around me. I made lip balms with our Wild French Lavender Essential Oil, which we hand-harvested and distilled, and with our organic beeswax from our bees. At Beaute Sauvage, you will find handmade, natural beauty and personal care products inspired by and made by nature, and of course, me. I've sold these at the Farmers' Markets and stores while in France, and I am so happy I was able to bring some back to share with you all.

My products next to our honey at a market stand in Guillaumes Village. 

Handmade lip balms w/ bees wax, essential & natural oils; chemical-free.

Handmade soap, chemical-free, natural and nourishing. 

Handmade lavender bee soaps are all natural with lavender essential oil. 

The Bio Co-Op store in Guillaumes Village where my lip balms were sold. 

I am endlessly inspired by nature, and I believe that what is beautiful, is natural, is wild. I hope you find these products of high-quality, nourishing to your skin and your spirit. I've added a link to the left side of my blog as well, so you can always have access. I'm hoping to add more products such as soaps, which I've also made in France, and other lip balm varieties, but currently, I am seeking the best ingredients I can here in California. Until then, please enjoy these lavender products. They would make great stocking stuffers and Christmas gifts. At least that's what my family will be getting ;) Thank you for allowing me to share my wild inspirations with you!

Happy Shopping!

Always Your
Garden Gallivanter,


*photos by Tiffanie Ma

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