Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Divine Sighting

Here is an excerpt from my garden journal noting a discovery while in my mom's garden which I created in Azusa, CA:

October 2nd, 2012

"I do not want to forget to note that today I saw the most divine creature in my mom's garden. It was the tiniest baby grasshopper, no bigger than the length of my pinky nail. It was perched on the edge of one of the Romaine lettuce I had just planted, so calmly, so small, and the purest shade of neon green I have ever seen. 

It looked just so perfect and it shatters my consciousness to think that we, that baby grasshopper and I, are one.

Such a small creature, in such a HUGE world. In the scope of things that is probably how we humans are relative in size to the Universe.

I'm so amazed and appreciative I got to witness that. I'm thankful to the garden that makes the gardener." 

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